I went into the baby cabinet today to put away bottles which are now occasionally used for water. Sitting there in the front were all my pumping supplies. My stomach dropped and I felt a use sense of nostalgia. Over pumping?
Okay Being a Lush
Sadly, not the kind I used to be. I never thought I’d be one of those moms that “let’s herself go” and consistently leaves the house without make up on. Well, guess what? I’m so that mom. And you know
More on Family Leave in the News
Nearly one in four American women take less than two weeks off of work after giving birth, according to the story “Family Leave: A Luxury for a Few American Women” on today’s edition of The Takeaway on WNYC. “We all want to bond
NetFlix ‘Unlimited’ Parental Leave Has Me Thinking, Does Flexibility Equal Productivity?
NetFlix recently announced that they are now offering employees unlimited maternity and paternity leave. According to Tawni Cranz, NetFlix Chief Talent Officer on the NetFlix US & Canada Blog, “This new policy…allows employees to be supported during the changes in their lives
A Little Inspiration
Just when I needed it – because as we all know being a mommie is not always rainbows and butterflies – I stumbled across this video. I have been getting down on myself because I don’t get to CrossFit
Thank you, Caitlyn Jenner
Maybe I am a little late on this post since it’s has been four days since Caitlyn Jenner accepted the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the 2015 ESPYs and almost two months since the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer on
Update: The Last Name Debate
I never updated everyone on the resolution of The Last Name Debate. And just today, it came up when I brought baby with me to CrossFit Rittenhouse. The coach was asking me for my last name to send an email. A
No More Excuses: The Whole30 Starts Now
I woke up this morning and had a crappy breakfast. Not helping the fact that have been uncomfortable in my skin practically since the day I became pregnant. I want to feel good again. As I was eating a croissant,
My First Mother’s Day
I had a glass of wine. I have been full force, full speed ahead since baby arrived trying so desperately to be a perfect mom, a perfect partner and a perfect entrepreneur, it seems a break was long overdue. Just two
Things I CAN’T Do with a One Month Old
On my “to do” list yesterday – the day baby turned one month old – was to write an update on how the last two weeks has been. It never happened along with a host of other scribbled line items