You were just a blurry orb on the ultrasound screen. Your twin was moving around like crazy but my eyes were fixated in the lower corner of the scan. No movement. No flickering heart beat. I squinted my eyes, maybe
Kid to Parent Ratio 4:2 August 2018 The note written in my phone on this day. I was preparing to take an announcement photo of our exciting baby news just weeks away from the one year anniversary of my first
Modern Mommie Published in The Avenue
Modern Mommie is honored to announce that her piece “End and Beginning Are Dreams” has been published in the Spring 2020 edition of Saint Joseph’s University’s literary magazine, The Avenue.
I may not have run out to get my solar eclipse glasses – my daughter is in school today anyway and probably too young to view it. But I am celebrating today’s event with CrossFit, acupuncture then yoga. And in
It just doesn’t get easier. I had my baby and my baby is gone. I can’t get my baby back. I was so stressed that morning it happened. Rushing out the door to make Pilates with a disagreeable 2-year-old, snapping
I had already bought you a book to write you letters. One at each of your birthdays. I put the pieces of the crib in our spare bedroom and was planning on using the gorgeous yellow crib sheets I never
Round Peg in a Sqaure Hole
I was watching Baby L play with one of those toys where you match the colored shape with the correct cut-out in a bucket. She took the triangle and relentlessly attempted to get in into the square hole. She finally
Pumping Nostaglia
I went into the baby cabinet today to put away bottles which are now occasionally used for water. Sitting there in the front were all my pumping supplies. My stomach dropped and I felt a use sense of nostalgia. Over pumping?
Things I CAN’T Do with a One Month Old
On my “to do” list yesterday – the day baby turned one month old – was to write an update on how the last two weeks has been. It never happened along with a host of other scribbled line items
Update on 100 Days
I guess I have learned one of many lessons in parenthood: sometimes you aim for the stars with your parenting goals and probably more often than not you don’t quite get there. My quest to finish my pregnancy with ‘100 Days