That is a question that s598811_10200822365946411_424363511_npurred a lot of controversy in September 2013 when experienced CrossFit athlete Lea-Ann Ellison posted photos of herself – just two weeks away from giving birth – on the CrossFit Facebook page. Media outlets were all over the story. Check out the Huffington Post article.

I had been a CrossFitter at Pennington CrossFit for nearly two years when I became pregnant. So I was left with a choice, to CrossFit or not to CrossFit. CrossFit has become so much more than a workout for me. It’s my community – a community that inspired me to do things I never thought I could do like run my first two 5K’s and my first ever Broad Street Run. Upon crossing the finish line of the Broad Street 10-miler, I immediately emailed my CrossFit coach and one of PCF’s owners, Lee.

photo (2)I did it! Thank you for your support. There is no way I could have run 10 miles before I started CrossFit. Thanks for making me strong physically and mentally 🙂

Physically, mentally and emotionally CrossFit has made me strong, redirecting my focus from the number on the scale and the inches around my thighs to the weights on my barbell, the time on the clock as I’m chipping my way through the workouts and the feeling every time I leave the box of completing something for which I did not think I was capable. How can I give that up?

After chatting with my doctor who said the workouts just need to be significantly scaled back, my answer is to CrossFit. Under the guidance of my physician and my knowledgeable CrossFit coaches who have known me for two years, this is the right choice for me. Of course, it may not be the right choice for everyone.

For other mommies-to-be out there who are in my CrossFit boat, there is a great article on about CrossFit games athlete Heather Bergeron when she was expecting. CrossFit Mom – started by an experienced CrossFit trainer and certified pre/post-natal exercise specialist – also provides some good tips for those of us who are lifting for two including modifications by trimester and scaled versions of WODs.

My favorite tip from CrossFit Mom: “CrossFit is a strength and intensity based fitness program. However, during pregnancy you want to concentrate on strength and keeping your body healthy, rather than intensity.”

When I shared the news of baby on the way with my PCF family, everyone was over-joyed. There has been so much support, encouragement and specialized attention from the coaches that I have no doubt this mommie-to-be will be strong but not intense (at least not intense at the gym).



The content of this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health and/or exercise programs.

To CrossFit or Not to CrossFit?
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