Weeks before giving birth I started freaking out about what my life would look like with a newborn. Would I be trapped in my house unshowered in pajamas watching reruns of Grey’s Antamony all day? Would I ever see the semblance of the life I had before baby? Would I want that life back? Well, within two short weeks, I have discovered all the things I CAN do with a newborn:

1). Go out for my birthday dinner at Buddakan with no disruptions and enjoy a non-alcoholic beer.

2). Go to an audition two weeks to the day of having baby, full hair and make up.

3). Make a PB&J sandwich with one hand (baby in the other).

4). Clean our condo well enough for a showing while intermittently nursing.

5). Still have alone time with daddy.

6). Sleep the same (if not more including naps) as I did when I was pregnant. I have taken heed to the advice to sleep when baby is sleeping.

7). Make it to the park with baby, my sister, her two girls (who are two and four) and two strollers.

8). Host my parents for Sunday dinner (okay, I’ll admit that my mom brought the lasagna but I still had to manage the set up).

9). Keep up with work emails and demands from home.

10). Button my pre-pregnancy jeans, even if they are slightly snug.

11). Be happier than I could have ever imagined.


Things I Can Do With a 2-week-old
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